Sunday, 1 March 2009

San Francisco: Day One Hundred and Thirty-Four (1 March)

Yes, you have read that right! En route from Fiji to Los Angeles, we flew over the International Date Line so we got to experience 1 March 2008 twice. The two days were rather different though.

The nice people at LA International Airport stamped my passport but we didn’t see any of the city because we just collected our bags and checked in for our next flight.

That journey only took an hour – Americans use flights to commute rather like we use buses and trains – and we arrived in San Francisco at 6pm local time.

We were going to stay with relatives and they met us at the airport and took us for a tasty but huge dinner. (It was so big we needed several doggy bags to take the leftover food home). Then we went back to their house for an early night.


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