Sunday, 11 January 2009

Dunedin: Day Eighty-Four (11 January)

I woke up really excited because today we were going into Dunedin to visit Cadbury World. Chocolate is one of my most favourite things so I've always wanted to visit somewhere it is made.

We drove along Highcliff Road, which has stunning views, but when we got to the site they said I couldn't go on the tour because I might have germs! I have never been so offended. And they weren't even making chocolates that day because the factory was closed. I sat in a locker and cried. I didn't even have Morris for company because he sneaked round in a bag.

I was allowed to see some of the vans they used to use to deliver the chocolates but it wasn't the same :-(.

It was a sad day generally because when we got back to the motel we learned Sir Edmund Hillary had died.


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